Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why does one country develop and not another?

There are a wide range of reasons as to why a country develops and another does not.

These can be split into human and physical factors which have equal emphasise.Natural resources can be a crucial factor in the development in a country, with the more resources available the easier it is to trade and gain wealth. There are complications with this idea though, not always does the country gain in wealth from exporting materials, for example with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It has a large reserve of copper which it exported but large amounts of the money was lost due to corruption instead of being feat back into the system.Other than natural resources the geographical location of the country plays a large part in its development. If the country lies at the core of an area e.g. Germany is central to Europe, then its economy is more likely to prosper because it's easier to trade with, rather than places like Portugal or Poland which are on the periphery Europe. Along similar lines the environment and the climate a country lies within can either help or stop development.The climate of an area dictate what, if any, food can grow there and how nourishing the soil is. The easier it is to grow food the more likely a country is to develop, where as if the country can't grow food it either has to import is, costing money, or the people go hungry.

The governance of a country will also effect its development, the more stable usually the more developed. If a country is unstable politically or at war any wealth it gains will not be used to develop. One reason for this is that countries looking to invest money into other countries will be very reluctant to invest in unstable countries. A positive example of this is the Asian Tigers which have developed rapidly due to their keen and hard working labour force but also because other countries are confident in investing in them. Also, and finally, religion and culture can play a part in development. This is seen with protestant Catholicism because generally they were more economically driven than other culture who believed in more primitive ways and simple worship.Even if a country had all these factors, natural resources, good global position, good climate, stable governance and money driven culture, it would not necessarily be developed. It is a combination and fusion of these factors which will lead to development in a country